Friday, October 1, 2010

An Introduction

Welcome to Hunting etc., a blog about hunting, rifles, and anything else related to the subject.

I guess I'll start of with an introduction and a disclaimer. I created this blog because I love hunting to the point of obsession. (If I could find a way to be paid to hunt and shoot big game, believe me, I would.) I've been hunting since I was 14 and truly enjoy all the different facets of the sport. Most of my hunting has been at home in California for deer and hogs, but I've ventured to other states to hunt game like antelope and elk. I have a great affinity for animals and would classify myself as a "collector" of game species. Thanks to the preservation abilities of taxidermists, I'm able to have each animal I hunt mounted and displayed for my own personal enjoyment. I know this sounds barbaric to a non-hunter, but I get great enjoyment out of looking at each animal in my "trophy room." Each mount is a mix between looking at a photograph from the hunt and taking a trip to the zoo. The memories associated with each "trophy" are irreplaceable to me.

Being outdoors and away from the chaos of modern society is another enjoyment I get from hunting. I love the conveniences of modern life (a hot shower, microwave, central heating, etc), but, in our highly regulated world, it often makes me want to escape to a far gone time where there was less structure and more unknown about the world. While I may never get to experience the world in ways that John A. Hunter or Teddy Roosevelt did, I find hunting is as close to time travel as I can get.

Hunting creates different emotions for every hunter and each person hunts for a different reason; the thrill of the chase, to bag another species, put meat in the freezer, spend time with their kids, etc. What I hope is that this blog is able to give one hunter's view, my view, on hunting and what is means to me. My disclaimer would be that since I will be giving my point of view on the subject and, thus, it will probably have a bit of my own personal bias. What may hold true for me, does not hold true to all hunters. Everyone hunter has different experiences that shape their opinions from what a perfect hunt is to what the best flashlight is. I will do my best to describe why I have come to the conclusion that I have, especially when I'm doing a product review.

With that said, welcome to my blog, Hunting etc. Hopefully you'll find this as interesting to read as I do to write it.

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